What are the opening times for your Farmhouse Cafe?

By BethW|2018-08-09T06:10:13+00:002nd August 2018|

Out of the Whey is open from 10am till 4pm year round with the exception of Good Friday, Christmas Day and Boxing Day when we are closed. We are also closed in the month of February for maintenance. 

What happens to your bobby calves?

By BethW|2018-08-09T06:12:10+00:001st August 2018|

At Mungalli Creek Dairy we run an Adoptabull program. If you are interested in adopting one of our bull calves or know someone who does, please contact us. Thank you for your interest in ensuring food is produced in an ethical and sustainable manner.

What do you feed your cows?

By BethW|2018-08-09T06:12:36+00:001st August 2018|

Our cows graze on naturally balanced pasture all year round. The fertile and diverse pastures of our farms contain nutritious plants like chicory, rape, clover, oats, brachiaria and setaria grasses, plantain, pinto peanut and vetch - nutritious & delicious! When needed our cows are fed small quantites of grain and molasses to suppliment their

Can we come to see the milking?

By BethW|2018-08-07T11:11:47+00:0031st July 2018|

We welcome milking tour requests for groups (min 10 people) to see the milking. Please submit your request via our general enquiries contact form and we can provide a quote for a group tour.

Does Mungalli Creek dairy offer Farm Tours?

By BethW|2022-10-19T01:07:45+00:0031st July 2018|

Because of our strict Bio Security we currently only offer tours for pre-organised groups of ten or more and School groups. However we hope to offer regular tours on our farm soon so that individuals and families can join and see exactly where their milk come from.

Can we visit your farm?

By BethW|2022-02-18T01:40:26+00:0031st July 2018|

A good way to get an impression of our farm and to try our products is to come and visit our Farmhouse Café 'Out of the Whey'. Our cafe is buiilt in the original farm house that the Watson's grew up in and  is situated in the heart of our farm. The production area

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