All around us our friends, our neighbours and even our environment are getting sicker and more unhealthy. Often with diseases which were previously uncommon or even unknown.
1 in 5 children are now obese.
Cancer is on the increase
Autism is 140 times more prevalent than it was 60 years ago.
Leaky gut, food allergies, Auto immune disease, Fatigue, Diabetes, depression, irritable bowel Asthma are now incredibly common.
Why is this so?
Could it be the cheap plentiful food that fills our supermarket shelves.
The poisons that are being used in ever increasing amounts in modern food production are subtle they don’t affect us straight away but lead to illness in our latter years and even in future generations.
There are a myriad of agricultural chemicals used to grow and process food, including fungicides, herbicides, pesticides, antibiotics and synthetic hormones to name but a few. Today I want to discuss just one of these.
It is the most commonly used herbicide in the world and its ever growing popularity with farmers has gone hand in hand with growing illness in our community and environment.
This herbicide once touted as safe, is Glyphosate the active ingredient in Round up.
Glyphosate amongst other things is registered as a herbicide, a powerful non selective antibiotic and also a chelating agent that locks up minerals in the soil so that they are no longer available for plant growth.
Glyphosate usage has grown as more uses have been found for it, it is used to chemically burn down crops and weeds before planting i.e. no till farming.
It is sprayed onto crops just before harvest to speed up the drying process.
Many plants have been genetically modified to tolerate glyphosate so that ever increasing amounts of this poison are sprayed on growing crops to control weeds during the growth of the crop.
So what is wrong with ever increasing usage of glyphosate in our soil and food?
As well as just killing plants it is a powerful non selective antibiotic and its continued use adversely affects the soil biology which is essential for healthy plant growth.
Once this soil biology has been killed the plant is totally reliant upon man made chemical fertilizers which in themselves are toxic to the soil.
Glyphosate also ties up nutrients in the soil so that they are no longer available to the plant and modern fruit and vegetable have only a fraction of the minerals that should be there.
The antibiotic effects of glyphosate adversely effects our microbiome or gut bacteria. These microbes are incredibly important for our health our mood and well being.
Glyphosate also effects the permeability of our gut lining leading to leaky gut and also effects the blood brain barrier.
This is just one of the thousands of chemicals that are liberally used to grow our food.
How is it still legal?
For the health of you and your family it is perhaps better to buy Biodynamic, organic or regeneratively farmed food and pay a bit more to the farmer now rather than paying a lot to big Pharma further down the track.
Farmer Rob
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