Equity Crowdfunding

How our dream evolved

By Robert Watson|2020-05-05T23:57:56+00:0023rd April 2019|

I magine a long-haired, bearded hippy, confused about his place in the world, knowing only his love of the land and dairy farming.Imagine this young man, with his head full of spirituality, crystals, and organic farming methods returning home onto the family farm and trying to farm conventionally like his parents and neighbours.Imagine him sitting

What is Equity Crowdfunding?

By BethW|2020-05-06T04:46:32+00:0026th March 2019|

W e’ve been throwing the words equity crowdfunding around quite a bit recently. But if you are like us when we first heard the term, then you’re probably thinking, what does it actually mean? Equity crowdfunding is a new way for everyday humans to invest in a business or brand they love. It has

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